“Restorative” is the word

[Currently sipping Supreme Silver Dragon White tea from Bird Pick Tea & Herb in El Monte, CA]

Shortly after my last post about missing the experiences of having long, deep conversations with others, I embarked on an adventure down in Albuquerque, NM. I call it an adventure because I had never committed to doing something quite like it before - agree to stay in a rental house for approximately a week with folks I had never met before. We were gathering to celebrate a mutual friend’s birthday and trusted in their friendship radar in choosing which lucky few would be in the group.

And it was magical.

“Restorative” is the primary word I’d use to describe the week but I’ll toss in a few more: wholesome, supportive, vulnerable, safe, inspiring, soul-enriching, nourishing, heartening. As a perpetual observer when it comes to large gatherings, I was surprised to find that after just a few hours, I felt comfortable enough to open up and participate. By the next day, I was smitten with the mental and emotional headspace that everyone genuinely and freely gave to each other. That experience of “being seen” that people chase was swiftly caught.

  • I could talk about whatever topic was being discussed and not fear judgment.

  • I could contribute new topics that interested me and find that the others were also curious about them.

  • I could share knowledge without being dismissed as too smart for the occasion.

How was this real?

The collective breath of relief and unburdening that we exhaled was almost palpable. We could see each other soften as we allowed ourselves to be cared for. We took hold of the areas where we felt strong and gave way for times of rest when anyone needed it. There was not pressure to perform. There was not the stress of facade. There was just us and our desires and tendencies being lovingly respected.

I drank deeply from the long conversations I had with each person. I inhaled the uplifting affirmations that helped my resolve in current life decisions. I listened intently to the silence of stillness and self-care. I touched my values gingerly and then held fast with conviction as I realized how they are weapons to be wielded in the harsh world we face daily. I tasted the freedom of being safe to be me. I saw the Muse’s word gifts dancing around my newly-made friends and spent an afternoon writing down what poetic descriptions came to mind about every person, passing on the small tokens of appreciation before they returned to their homes.

We all need moments and experiences like these to find our way through the mess and muss of our daily lives. What a treasure it was to honor ourselves with strangers who understood and could shoulder shared burdens with us. The week was an essential reminder that restoration comes with being honest with yourself and reaffirming your values. I left NM enlightened and lightened. My heartfelt gratitude and unwavering support go out to the wonderfully strong and powerful women I met in Albuquerque. May we all continue to discover blazing joy, energizing self-truths, and wholesome rest.

And may the elderly dog with whom I spent a healthy amount of time thrive in her snuffling, matriarchal glory.


Accepting gifts from Past Me


Long lost conversations